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Diese Beschreibung wurde aus dem Englischen übersetzt - Lesen Sie hier die ursprüngliche Version
Give your tone extra muscle with the Brit Boost pedal. The Treble Boost setting pumps up the treble and upper middle frequencies, just like you�d expect from a vintage Treble Booster pedal.
Produktnummer: 8375
In the Full Range Boost position the pedal enhances all frequencies. It adds low mids and bottom end to the Treble Boost mode and is good for pushing a slightly overdriven amp into heavy overdrive. A gain knob varies the overall gain of the pedal from mellow and warm to grinding and ripping! Plus, a Tone knob adjusts the overall tonality of the pedal. Of course, there`s a true bypass switch that lets your signal flow through without coloring the tone.
Vox Cooltron Brit Boost Specifications
Brit Boost controls � Treble Boost/Full Range Boost, Gain, Tone, Volume, True Bypass
Tube: 12AU7
Power: 4 x AA batteries (allows 16 hours of operation)
Dimensions: 1 6.84 cm (6.63�) (W) x 15.55cm (6.12�) (H) x 6.4cm (2.52�) (D)
Weight (excluding batteries): Bulldog Distortion 1.07kgs (2.36 lbs.), Big Ben Overdrive 1.02kgs (2.25 lbs.), Brit Booster 1.05kgs (2.31 lbs.)
Options: 9V AC adapter