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Hybrid Litz Solid Core professionelle XLR Mikrofonkabel - 7-poliger
Produktnummer: 9302
Litz construction means that each conductor strand is individually insulated. In most cables this is not the case, and without insulation the signal can randomly jump conductors in an uncontrolled manner. Distortion results in the phase and time domains, and although this may be difficult to measure, it can definitely be detected by the most sensitive of instruments, the human ear.
So, why not just use all Litz conductors of the same gauge, and leave it at that?
Simply put, finer conductors tend to favor the high frequencies, and heavier conductors are better for the midrange and bass. Studio Projects Cables use a specifically engineered combination of heavy and fine gauge conductors, producing the most realistic balance throughout the frequency extremes. Combined with a Quad Balanced configuration for maximum rejection of noise, our cables give you a wide bandwidth, natural sound resulting in a significant improvement in overall sonic quality!
� Hybrid Litz/Solid Core Construction for Maximum Resolution and Preservation of Sonic Detail
� Proprietary Patent Applied for Construction
� 99.99% Purity Oxygen Free Copper Conductors
� Quad Balanced Construction for Maximum Noise Rejection, and Wide Bandwidth
� Double Shielded for Maximum Freedom from Noise and Interference
� Carbon Impregnated Dielectric for Low Microphonics
� Corrosion Resistant Gold Plated Connector Contacts for Best Possible
� Precision Formulated PVC Jacket for Maximum Durability and Long Life
� Polyethylene Dielectric Material for Low Loss and Superior Sound